After rummaging through my own wardrobe last night, frantically looking for ‘those’ particular pair of shoes. I realised myself it was time for a wardrobe detox... after all you must practise what you preach!!

So fellow readers, it must be said that a cluttered wardrobe equals a cluttered mind, a ruthless overhaul can give new energy to your style! As there is nothing like starting the ‘new’ with a wardrobe full of clothes you actually like, wear and need for the coming months.
I have found that the best and easiest way to tackle a clients wardrobe is to first of all empty all the clothes onto the bed separating them into three piles- Yes, No and Maybe. The no garments should be put into a bag, and ready to be sent to a suitable charity. The yes pile stays to one side, and the maybe pile is what you need to tackle. Ask yourself these simple questions:
•Have you worn this garment in the past year?
•Does it fit me now?
•Is it comfortable to wear?
•Do I look good in it? (Is it your colour and flattering to your bodyshape?)
•Do I feel good in it?
•Do I own too many of the same thing?
•Does it fit into my current lifestyle?
After this is done, you should refold and put back neatly your newly selected clothes.
Not only does clearing out your wardrobe give you a huge mental lift but it also allows you to move forward in developing your own fashion style to enable you to feel more confident and self-assured. It also saves you time in the evening in finding those all important pair of shoes, that go with that coral dress you are so desperate to wear.
Happy spring cleaning folks....