I am helping promote my friends event, of which I shall be there advertising KemiStyle, and answering any fashion and image questions you may have. Bring all your girls alone for a great time!
We look forward to seeing you there on the 3rd of June, at Leicester Square, Fudge bar at 6pm-10pm.

Our networking events aim to bring women together to network and get information and inspiration for all areas of our lives!
Our first event is the Love Experience:
Fed up of being single but not sure how to get good man?
Tired of all your relationships ending the same way?
Feel like you are running out of time?
Looking for Mr Right but always seem to end up with Mr Wrong?
A single mother trying to get back out on the dating scene but don’t know how?
Divorced or have just come out a relationship?
Confused about your relationship and unsure about your boyfriend/Partner?
Have you lost your confidence and are not quite sure how to get it back?
Struggling to let go of past hurts and pain?
If you fit into any of the above then come down to our event on the 3rd of June for a fun, informative and educational and empowering evening!
Prepare yourself for some straight talking no hold barred relationship advice as you have never experience it before! The event is created by women for women and on the night you can benefit from advice from a professional life coach, top tips on confidence and grooming from a professional make-up artist and designer. Get a chance to put your questions to our panel of professional men. This will also be a fantastic opportunity to network with a variety of professional women.
The evening starts at 7pm but doors open at 6pm where early commers can try a 1 hour free Kizomba session – To loosen your hips
Free Cupcakes ( on arrival)- To loosen your lips
Session with a renound professional life coach Des O Conors (as seen on GMTV and Bride and Prejudice on Sky)- To help you let go of you inhibitions
Confidence and grooming session with one of the top Independent Beauty consultants in the UK- To help you tighten up your image
Q and A session with a panel of gorgeous educated professional men- So you can get it off your chest!
All attendees will automatically be entered into our Grand prize Draw: Prize includes -Full make over, Dinner for 2 at a top London restaurant and a session with personal stylist!
Loads of girly goodies will also be given away on the night
To Book go to: