Gordon Brown- Labour
The less fortunate out of the 3 men, in his appearance and overall presence, despite having suits from Savile row. Nonetheless, Gordon is wearing the correct colour in his ties! Often seen wearing pink or red ties. Pink and red, are safe colours and there are no stigmas attached to such colours, and are ideal for a business situation. As red connotes, strength, power action, and pink portrays approachability. Is Gordon doing this for you?

David Cameron- Conservative
Mr slick rick Cameron. He is very at ease in front of the camera, and can hold himself extremely well. Although in my eyes it seems too rehearsed, and therefore a tad less genuine. (My own opinion people) He is often seen wearing blue ties, which is great for his cool colouring. Again a very generic and safe colour and ideal for networking situations. As blue is the colour to wear for popularity and respect. As we are suppose to trust the boys in blue, do you trust Cameron?

Nick Clegg- Lib Dem
The underdog with a strong bite. The young pup is definitely making an impact. He is very natural and dresses accordingly. With warm colouring he wears mainly yellow and gold ties, which is an original colour to wear, and showcases commemorativeness. As yellow and gold are the colour to wear for innovation, which harmonises with the Lib Dem’s manifesto, is Nick the man for the job...change?

Now for the ladies in power....
Labour- Official party colour...red. Sarah Brown wears full on colour blocking, the resident first lady marks a suitable yet firm dedication to the cause.
Conservative-Official party colour...blue. Samantha Cameron. Sam Cam is not averse to hitting the blue end of the colour spectrum, and has a wardrobe of easy tailoring with bold statement pieces, very un-conservative like indeed!
Lib Dem- Official party colour...gold. Miriam Durantez mother of three, Miriam is by far the most exotic of the Westminster's wives. This Spanish senorita chooses bold colours and timeless classics.
So even though the men are in the lime light, I believe it is the women that are the secret weapon to the next Parliament win. Which party comes out on top, in your style opinion?