Tuesday, 3 November 2009


On Thursday it will be Guy Fawkes Day or Bonfire Night here in the UK. Traditionally we all go and stand outside in the cold and the rain to watch an effigy of a man who was part of a plot to blow up the houses of Parliament over 400 years ago get burnt on a bonfire, and a grand display of fireworks.

Standing around in the cold and the rain presents a special challenge in the style stakes. (Not for me, as I will be warm and safely inside, embarrassing so, I am still afraid of fireworks). For those of you who dare bare this wet and cold festivity, heels are out, not practical for standing in muddy fields. Wellies are really the only sensible choice for those of you going to any kind of fireworks display.

I’d suggest, a waterproof coat (with a hood) and skinny jeans tucked into fabulous wellies,see below my favourite pair of wellies to make your Guy Fawkes go with a (stylish) bang!!


  1. i do not have any wellies just old trainers. however my son has a selcetion and skinny jeans. So at least he will be looking stylish on thursday night.

  2. Oh no that is a stylish shame.....your son will be looking great, shame for the let down of a father hehe!! Just rock your trainers, like I know you can!
